Florida Master Naturalist Program: Coastal Systems (in-person)
This 6-day module provides instruction through classroom, field trip, and practical experience on the general ecology, habitats, vegetation types, wildlife, and conservation issues of Coastal Systems in Florida – Coastal Uplands, Estuarine, and the various Nearshore Marine Environments. The program also addresses society’s role in coastal areas, develops naturalist interpretation skills, and discusses environmental ethics.
This course typically is offered twice a year in fall and spring.
Our Spring 2025 course is OPEN for registration. This in-person course takes place over 6 consecutive Fridays from February 14 through March 21! Learn more and register online . . .
For more information, visit Florida Master Naturalist Program

Florida Master Naturalist Program: Special Topics
In addition to the Coastal Systems module, MDC offers a selection of FMNP’s Special Topic Courses throughout the year.
Dates and registration info for each topic will be posted here when available.
Coastal Shoreline Restoration
This course provides training in the restoration of living shorelines, oyster reefs, mangroves, and marsh, with focus on ecology, benefits, methods, and monitoring techniques. People that complete this course will be better prepared to promote and assist with restoration projects.
Environmental Interpretation
This course is designed to make participants better environmental interpreters and educators so that others may learn about Florida’s natural history and conservation issues. It will cover concepts such as the fundamentals of interpretation, key elements of an effective interpretive program, how to create themes, sub-messages and transitions, group management, addressing diverse audience needs, developing interpretive displays and practicing interpretive techniques.
Wildlife Monitoring
This course is designed to provide training in principles and commonly used techniques for surveying and monitoring wildlife. People that complete this course will better understand the reasons for monitoring wildlife and the methodologies used to do so. This course includes both classroom instruction and hands-on experience and will better equip students to participate in data collection for wildlife monitoring projects. This course will cover surveying and monitoring mammals, birds and herpetofauna.
Marine Habitat Restoration
This course has been established to help participants understand the importance of marine biodiversity and approaches to restoration. Classroom learning includes 3 presentations with associated discussions and assignments related to: Coral Restoration, Sponge Restoration, Sea Grass Restoration, and Artificial Reefs. Outside of the classroom, participants will engage in hands-on field activities related to the course units.

Our Mission:
"To protect our coastal ecosystems through education, conservation, and exploration"