MDC March Lecture Explores Microplastics In the IRL

MDC March Lecture Explores Microplastics In the IRL

Microplastics in the Indian River Lagoon 18 March, 2021 When: Thursday, March 18 at 7:00 pm Where: This program is online via Zoom Cost: FREE | Register Now “Microplastics in the Indian River Lagoon” will be the topic of the Marine Discovery Center’s March Monthly...
Camp Costa Brings New Features to MDC’s Fishing Camps

Camp Costa Brings New Features to MDC’s Fishing Camps

By Lisa D. Mickey The Marine Discovery Center’s summer fishing camps have long been a popular activity for young anglers, but this year’s camps will get a noticeable upgrade, thanks to sponsorship by Costa. “Camp Costa – Catch What’s Out There!” will launch in June...
March Volunteer Spotlight: Chris Jenkins

March Volunteer Spotlight: Chris Jenkins

Chris Jenkins joined the Marine Discovery Center’s corps of volunteers last November, but the retired firefighter/EMT has already made a difference with his various duties at the center. You may find him power-washing out back, or leading guests through the exhibits,...
Movie by the Marsh: Hoot

Movie by the Marsh: Hoot

WHOOO’s up for a night of family fun!?   Marine Discovery Center will feature the fun, family film Hoot, presented by AdventHealth, on Friday, March 5 in the Hunter Amphitheater at MDC. This film is rated PG with a run time of 91 minutes. Join MDC for this...
Billy Rotne Receives MDC’s Conservation Hero Award

Billy Rotne Receives MDC’s Conservation Hero Award

by Lisa D. Mickey Volusia County’s Billy Rotne, a 16-year Indian River Lagoon charter captain and fishing guide, has been honored with the Marine Discovery Center’s biennial Conservation Hero Award for 2020. The nature center had hoped to present its Rhizophora Award...
February Lecture Explores Horseshoe Crabs and Human Health

February Lecture Explores Horseshoe Crabs and Human Health

Horseshoe Crabs & Human Health 18 February, 2021 When: Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm Where: This program is online via Zoom Cost: FREE | Register Now “The Horseshoe Crab and Human Health” will be the topic of the Marine Discovery Center’s February Monthly...