Invasive Plants

Invasive species are defined as non-native species in the area that have the capability to spread and cause damage to the environment by killing native species or taking over habitat. Many invasive species in Florida were brought here for ornamental purposes without knowing the long-lasting issues they would cause. There are a variety of non-native plant species in Florida, many that are still available for purchase at local stores, and you can learn more about them here:

Brazilian Pepper

Brazilian pepper trees (Schinus terebinthifolius) are native to South America and were originally brought into Florida in the mid-1800 for use as an ornamental plant. Its bright red berries and brilliant green foliage are frequently used as Christmas decorations and earned the shrub/tree the name of “Florida Holly”. Wildlife find the berries especially tasty which has helped this species become one of the most aggressive and wide-spread exotic pest plants in the State of Florida. Brazilian pepper trees can invade aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats and produce a dense canopy that shades out all other plants and provides a very poor habitat for native species. Brazilian pepper has an aromatic sap that can cause skin reactions in people sensitive to poison ivy, burning the wood can cause nasal distress. However, the berries have a delicate peppery taste and are frequently marketed as pink peppercorns.

Australian Pine

Australian pine trees (Casuarina spp.) are native to Australia and were introduced to Florida in the late 1800’s as a method of beach erosion control. Not a true pine, this tree grows quickly and produces a chemical that inhibits other species of plants from growing around their shallow root systems. Their ability to grow and populate an area quickly has replaced the normal ecosystem of plants and animals that usually inhibit beaches and marsh lands. Fast growth makes their bark brittle and easily broken under pressure, and they are highly flammable and susceptible to uprooting.

Air Potato

Air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) is native to Asia and was first introduced to Florida in 1905 as an ornamental vine with large heart shaped leaves and aerial tubers or “air potatoes”. A member of the yam family, air potato grows fast and can form a solid canopy cutting off light to plants below and smothering plants around it. It can change entire plant communities, decrease wildlife habitat, and disrupt the natural flow of water and fire.

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"To protect our coastal ecosystems through education, conservation, and exploration"