
What is an Estuary?

Estuaries are important nursery grounds for many organisms that later move to oceanic habitats as adults. These rich ecosystems are economically valuable, providing habitat at some life stage for 75% of our nation’s commercial fish catch, and as much as 90% of recreational fish catch. Additionally, estuaries act as natural filtration systems for water as it flows out to the ocean.

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Living Shorelines

Living shorelines are an erosion prevention method that use natural barriers such as plants, oysters, and limited rock to protect fragile shorelines while maintaining valuable habitat. Living shoreline projects utilize native and salt tolerant plants at different levels of elevation to avoid the loss of sediment, help to improve water quality via filtration of upland run off, and create habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species

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Get Involved!

At Marine Discovery Center we work to engage the community in the environmental research and restoration happening in our own backyard. We collaborate with environmental scientists, researchers, and universities around the state to bring diverse and informative programs to New Smyrna Beach to give volunteers the opportunity to assist with ongoing  projects.

Many of the items below are open to the public, but we also have lots of opportunities that are only open to registered volunteers. To get involved with restoration deployment, horseshoe crab surveys, and other long-term volunteer programs you must first become an MDC Volunteer. Visit our volunteer page for information.

Oyster Volcano Workshops

Join us as we measure, mix, pour, and mold cement-covered jute into biodegradable ecosystems! Volunteers will get hands on experience with this shoreline and oyster bed restoration technique and help in our efforts to protect and restore the Indian River Lagoon. Open to the public; participants must be 16+.  These workshops occur 9am-12pm most Tuesdays, Thursdays, and occasional Saturdays through April 3, 2025. 

Learn more and register . . .

BESE Oyster Mat Workshops

Volunteers will be threading recycled oyster shells from our Shuck and Share program onto mats using biodegradable zip ties. No experience is needed – we’ll show you what to do! Open to the public. Volunteers must be at least 10 years of age; anyone 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.  These workshops occur 2-5pm most Wednesdays at MDC and 9am-12pm most Mondays, Fridays, and occasional Saturdays at Indian River Lagoon Preserve Park at 700 Sandpiper Ave on beachside in NSB.

Register for Wednesdays at MDC  or  Register for all other days at IRLPP . . .

Forever Explorers Conservation Workshops

Forever Explorers is designed for young-at-heart, lifelong learners and is geared to offer outdoor opportunities for adults who want to explore and better understand their surrounding coastal environment alongside certified naturalists and scientists! During our conservation workshops, participants can get involved with a variety of projects including creation of shoreline restoration materials, invasive species removal, debris cleanup, and more! This program is open only to participants 18+. Learn more about all of our Forever Explorers programs . . .

See upcoming dates and register . . .        

Project Plankton

MDC is monitoring the phytoplankton and zooplankton populations living in the Indian River Lagoon, right off our dock! By building this data set, we will be able to better understand the variety of life invisible to the naked eye and how plankton respond to environmental changes. Volunteers will learn how to properly collect plankton, prepare plankton samples, and catalog species. These workshops are open to participants 15+.

Our Spring 2025 trainings have completed. Please check back as we updated our schedule closer to Fall!

Community Science

MDC Volunteers help with a variety of community science projects including horseshoe crab surveys, marsh monitoring, shoreline monitoring, and more! To get involved with these opportunities, you must first become an MDC volunteer.

See data from our shoreline monitoring project! View a summary graphic or read the detailed report from the most recent quarter.

Shuck and Share

Shuck and Share was created in 2014 to provide oyster shells for shoreline restoration projects in the Indian River Lagoon. Do your part by volunteering or ordering a dozen at one of our participating restaurant partners!

Learn more . . .

Community Compost Program

Our community program is a great way to reduce your footprint and improve your gardens . . . for FREE! Drop your fruit & veggie scraps, coffee grounds, paper coffee filters, paper tea bags, and other compostable items into Bin #1, and bring a container to fill with finished compost from Bin #3! A big thanks to Lindley’s Garden Center and to these local businesses for their continued contributions to our compost: Mason Bar | Botanical House NSB | Lilly Rose Cafe | Island Roasters Coffee Company

Our bin is located north of our Welcome Center in our staff parking lot – click for a map!

UCF Atmospheric Microplastic Deposition Project

University of Central Florida is seeking volunteers from NSB and neighboring communities to aid in microplastic research in proximity to the Indian River Lagoon. Students and researchers are investigating microplastic pollution in rain and wind samples. Volunteers can conduct all activities within their own yard and will use MDC as a pickup and drop off location for supplies. Volunteers must be in close proximity to the IRL and living in New Smyrna Beach or south (the study is not open to communities north of NSB). If you are interested, please email [email protected].

Learn more about this project . . .

Our Mission:

"To protect our coastal ecosystems through education, conservation, and exploration"