Study Uses Virtual Reality to Better Communicate Science

Study Uses Virtual Reality to Better Communicate Science

University of Central Florida doctoral candidate Katherine Harris has spent the last several years assessing if Virtual Reality (VR) experiences can be used to increase community awareness, attitude and engagement for the restoration of threatened habitats, such as...
MDC Represents at this Year’s Restore America’s Estuary Summit

MDC Represents at this Year’s Restore America’s Estuary Summit

In October, MDC’s Conservation Science Coordinator Tess Sailor-Tynes traveled to Arlington, VA to attend the biennial Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) Coastal & Estuarine Summit. This conference hosts students and professionals from all over the country to...
Volunteer Trish Wheeler Brings Fun Wherever She Goes

Volunteer Trish Wheeler Brings Fun Wherever She Goes

You never know where you might find volunteer Trish Wheeler at Marine Discovery Center. She could be leading kids for summer camp activities or helping as a docent in the Welcome Center or assisting MDC’s Florida Master Naturalist Program instructors with fishing nets...
Archaeologist Presents MDC’s November Lecture

Archaeologist Presents MDC’s November Lecture

Understanding Shell Mound Science will be the focus of Marine Discovery Center’s November Discovery Lecture Series. Registered professional archaeologist Rebecca L. Harris (pictured below) will be the guest presenter on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 6 p.m. in MDC’s Learning...
Cheryl Faber Teams Up With MDC To Link Arts and Science

Cheryl Faber Teams Up With MDC To Link Arts and Science

Cheryl Faber regularly bounces back and forth between Artists’ Workshop of New Smyrna Beach and Marine Discovery Center — nonprofit neighbors that share the building that once housed New Smyrna Beach High School. As the volunteer president of Artists’ Workshop,...
Bats Are Featured in MDC’s October Lecture

Bats Are Featured in MDC’s October Lecture

Native Bats will be the focus of Marine Discovery Center’s October Discovery Lecture Series. Ariel Horner (pictured below), a board member of the Florida Bat Conservancy, will be the guest presenter on Thursday, Oct. 3, at 6 p.m., in MDC’s Learning Lab. If you have...