Annual Appeal

Your relationship with the Marine Discovery Center and the Indian River Lagoon is personal. As you contemplate your gift to our annual appeal, we hope you are proud. Together, we’re engaging community for a healthier Indian River Lagoon.
For adults, the Marine Discovery Center experience reclaims a personal sense of wonder and a deeper appreciation of nature as they work at a moonlight horseshoe crab survey or witness the strong bond a mother dolphin has with her calf. You sense the urgency to protect and defend the Indian River Lagoon as an important tributary to one global ocean. “Volunteering at MDC, I am afforded a unique opportunity; allowing me to watch the wonder and amazement in the eyes of the children when they catch and release their first fish. The future depends upon educating our youth and their desire to make a positive impact on our environment.” …Ron McKay, age 85.
You make it possible for young Marine Discovery Center students to accumulate lasting memories. Your gifts connect children to life-long knowledge and curiosity by providing hands-on, feet-wet opportunities in our watery world. Students make friends and gather new enlightenments as they delight in feather physics and awesome arthropods. “I like going to Disappearing Island. I like riding the boat there and playing at the island because I can collect shells and play in the sand. I like getting popsicles every day.” … Emma Vallance, age 6.
This year we have a challenge match offer. Every dollar you give will be matched 1:1 up to $15,000, so your $20, $100, $500 or $1,000 donations now become $40, $200, $1,000 and $2,000 respectively! We also want you to know that the Internal Revenue Code allows for persons that have IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) to make a direct contribution to qualified charitable organizations such as Marine Discovery Center. If you are an individual who is subject to RMD over age 70 ½, please contact your tax professional for specific requirements to see how this can benefit you during this season of giving. This is a great tax planning opportunity and a fantastic way to support our important work.
Your experience, participation, interest and love of the Indian River Lagoon is our daily motivation to do more. Your many gifts energize and inspire our work. You are the propulsion of the Marine Discovery Center.
When you share the real Indian River Lagoon with family and friends, will it be one of wildlife entanglement and toxic algae or one of beauty, solace and adventures? Your gifts are not a cost but an investment in the unique, nationally recognized Marine Discovery Center and our mutual stewardship of the Indian River Lagoon.
Chad Truxall
Executive Director