35 Days of Love for the Lagoon
We all remember the first time watching the bright rays of the sun reach above the horizon to welcome a new day. Or maybe it’s the first time floating on a boat at twilight while the ripples lap against the hull and the sound of a bottlenose dolphin’s forceful exhale breaks the surface of the lagoon. “First times” on, in, near or around the Indian River Lagoon are unforgettable and each of us have our own story to share.
For more than twenty years you’ve helped us provide “first time” stories for thousands of guests annually. These stories are shared at the dinner table, on social media and throughout the community and become part of a larger conversation about who we are and how we work together to save the Indian River Lagoon.
Because of you we continue to create “first time” stories and achieve recognition for our work.
- Disadvantaged youth gained higher achievement test scores when their education was supplemented with “hands on feet wet” activities at the Marine Discovery Center.
- The Association of Nature Center Administrators recognized the MDC for its superior leadership.
- More adult and youth programs than ever inspired 8,296 people who love the Lagoon.
- Strategic blueprints for a vibrant future came alive with the construction of an amphitheater, native landscaping and trails.
- A volunteer base of 466 individuals donated 11,635 hours of time on behalf of the Center and Indian River Lagoon.
Your annual gifts make it possible for the Marine Discovery Center to answer needs for information about the Indian River Lagoon, to provide opportunities for citizen science participation and to act on your passion.
35 Days of Love for the Lagoon
This year we’re kicking off our end of year appeal on #GivingTuesday with 35 Days of Love for the Lagoon. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. This year we encourage you to support your local conservation charity: Marine Discovery Center.
The Marine Discovery Center receives no annual funding from government agencies. You can help ensure the Center’s success in our 22nd year, 2019, by making a gift of $1000, $500, $100, $50 or $25. You may pledge a sustaining gift via automatic credit card donations or you can donate right here on our website. Maybe you’d like to provide a sustaining gift by becoming a Dolphin Society member with a gift of $83.33/month for the next 5 years. Please also check for matching opportunities at your work or contact me directly at 386.679.3622 to discuss how you’d like to be involved.
The long-range vision of the Marine Discovery Center is for you and future generations to see a healthy Indian River Lagoon enjoyed for its natural beauty, unmatched diversity of species and rich fishery. We do not take you nor the Lagoon for granted. We are most grateful for your past gifts and promise to continue to be faithful stewards of your gifts and the Indian River Lagoon. Please make your gift today!
Chad Truxall
Executive Director